This husband and wife team is most definitely new to the business - it's just 3 months old! But we are doing insanely better than we anticipated for all of our word-of-mouth and sales, so we wanted to make sure our own online presence was as equally awesome.  We took in a lot of user feedback on our payment system and listened in on the conversation (we see you reddit - and we love you for questioning everything). As the resident web nerd on staff, hearing our old website described as having "a weird vibe" was not so awesome. But I get it - the store remaining in "coming soon" mode while we have guns being sold all over the place didn't really make sense. And we really neglected to write anything more than the introductory blog posts, but that's because we were busy buying and selling guns! It was weird.

As a result, we've switched eCommerce hosts, upgraded our payment gateway provider, and removed all the unnecessary bells and whistles from our website to provide our customers with a fast and - as always - FRIENDLY experience when dealing with Mahindra Arms. We hope the new website and shop (it's open!) will help boost your confidence in our brand and service.  

Here's what our our customers are saying so far:

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